Saturday, June 6, 2009

Can God Hear Me?


 Is it me or is the world at an alltime record high for violent acts committed against other humans. I'm not even speaking of military activities but civilian on civilian offenses. Many of this acts are committed in the name of some religion or God and even a large percentage of military actions against other nations is committed in the name of religion. I can't imagine that God would be smiling at the military actions taken against others in the name of religion. Has the world lost touch with the peaceful God that we once knew?

 It seems that the world has stepped away from one of its oldest traditions... prayer. Many people have dropped the habit of prayer from their daily regimen because they simply find it ineffective. There are people who pray everyday, several times a day and see nothing for their religious disciplines. Communicating with the Most High God is quite more than what we learned in Sunday school during our youth and I think it to be truthful when I say that communicating with God and regular prayer may not be the same thing at all.

Defining God as a being who listens to our cries for help means something different to people of a variety of cultures. I have a friend who told me that God is sitting somewhere in the Kuiper belt (outside of the solar system) watching us from a distance while my opinion is that God is everywhere that you can find sub-atomic matter. Its a matter of opinion that can reflect what an individual may expect from prayer. That's why you can't force people into religion. The religion that you are active in may not fit every one's lifestyle.

It is said that prayer is when you talk to god. Meditation is when god talks to you. It would be an advantage for many disgruntled people to do a little research into meditation. Many millions of people have found peace in the silence of meditation and apply the principles of "living in the Now" to their everyday lives. Fifteen minutes a day of meditation for three months can cause a major change in the way that you see the world and life itself. GETTING YOUR PRAYERS ANSWERED

Intro: First Post!

It is my intention to post regularly and to not offend anyone. People are easily offended. Communicating with God is something important to me as with most of the people of the world. I hope i can help others to believe in the power of this most powerful force.

Communicating with God