Thursday, September 3, 2009

Focusing on your Prayers

 For most people, prayer is just a bunch of well recited words that they HOPE will bring some kind of magical result into their lives. Prayer for many has become very mundane and ineffective yet it really is just a matter of focus and intention. Many people do not have real confidence in their prayers being heard by Almighty God, let alone being answered by him. People are losing faith in droves and it will get no better without teaching that personal relationships with God must be built. It means having real conversations with God during good times and bad. The Creative One can be your best friend but this guidance must be cultivated daily.

 Prayer must become personal and focused. Just muttering a prayer that has been rehearsed over and over through the years is not what you want to do if you are truly trying to reach the Most High One. The rule here is to make your mind silent. When reaching the Universal Mind, you must give your total attention to quieting your mind and becoming one with the silence which is the source of all quantum vibration. By focusing on your prayer and stating in detail what you want of the Almighty can the process of getting your prayers answered begin.

Communicating With God Effectively

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